Friday, October 17, 2008

How is Life

This is an anecdote of the first question I putforth to many people ,when I meet them
"How is life ?"
The answers I get from my colleagues,friends and peers mesmerises me to say the least.Some of the answers that spurts from them are..
"Feeling on top of the world"
"Doing good"
"Rocking all the way"
"Moving and rollicking"
"Jinga lala"
"Awesome" "Great" "Great" "Going ON"
"As usual"
"Fast forward"
"Majaa Mei"
"Hectic and pacy"
"Full of fun"
"Good buddy"
"Kuchee kuchee koo"
"Roobi Doobi Du"
"Full of masala"
"Life is fantastic " (Usually my answer)
There are other innumerable adjectives which could be quoted,though I have not missed many...

The most perplexed answer I have received was from one of my dear friend which went like this(raising both his hands in astonishment)

----> "Haq,WHAT A LIFE " !!

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